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DORA Metrics: Detecting Releases with Repository Tags

March 4th, 2024
Engineering Efficiency
Product Update
Software Engineering Intelligence
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We have launched a new way to track the deployments for the DORA Metrics, with Repository Tags. We now have 3 options for identifying deployments:

  1. Pull Requests merged into a specified branch 
  2. Deployments sent via the Waydev API
  3. Repository Tags (currently only for GitHub)

This addition aims to provide more options for setting up DORA Metrics, enhancing flexibility and precision. While currently exclusive to GitHub, we’ll extend this feature to all integrations in the future, broadening its applicability and utility.

Learn more about DORA Metrics 

The DORA metrics refer to four key indicators that measure the performance and capabilities of software development and delivery teams. DORA stands for DevOps Research and Assessment, and these metrics have become a standard for understanding and improving software development practices.

About The SPACE Framework for Developer Productivity

Developer productivity is complex and has important implications for software development teams. It is more than the number of commits, lines of code, or PRs reviewed. and it clearly cannot be reduced to a single dimension (or metric!).

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