

Waydev for SaaS businesses

Become the data-driven engineering manager of your SaaS business

Data-driven engineering management for SaaS businesses

SALESmanago already uses a data-driven management tool to improve productivity among their engineering teams.

Metrics that reflect your engineering teams’ performance

Discover the business value of your engineers’ output – Assess your engineering teams’ impact to make decisions backed by data, reward performance, and improve your SaaS business continuously.

Understand the velocity of your engineering teams – Use our Daily Update to track the velocity of your engineering teams on a daily basis. The average number of commits per day will provide you an indicator of engineering velocity.

Surface Problems – Use our Work Log to spot unhealthy work patterns or bottlenecks. Open the Developer Summary to understand what went wrong. Correlate metrics such as Churn and Efficiency to engineering performance.

Waydev has proved to be a very useful tool for me to understand how my team is performing. I use it as part of the feedback on 1-1 meetings, and it helps me to provide feedback valuable to developers and ask questions about certain trends shown on their code. It’s really easy to use and I practically don’t need to do anything to use it.” David Camargo | VP of Engineering, Instaleap

Complete view over your engineering teams’ code review activity

Gain an overview of pull request activity – Use the Review Workflow to gain a complete picture of pull request activity. You can spot long-running pull requests and zoom in to understand what happened. View comments, commits, open times and close times in a centralized page.

See how knowledge sharing is happening – View a map of code review activity in the Review Collaboration menu. Understand how involved are your engineers in the code review process by looking at the Involvement. The Review Coverage metric is a great indicator of code review health.

Measure your code review velocity – The PR Resolution enables SaaS engineering managers to visualize the velocity of their code review process and spot outliers.

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