Engineering Leadership

Data-Driven Engineering Leadership in 2024

This guide is designed to help engineering leaders move from a feeling-driven to a data-driven leadership approach in 2024.

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2020 has proved to be a challenging year for engineering leaders. Amidst the events of a global pandemic, they were still responsible for ensuring that every team member is following the strategy, objectives, and goals of the team and the organization.

In the context of remote work, engineering leaders had to maintain the same pace in delivering reliable software, managing engineering teams effectively, and keeping stakeholders content.


Should 2022 come with more challenges for engineering leaders, we’ve put together a guide to help you gain the edge over competitors using data generated by Waydev. Waydev connects to your Git repos and Project Management tools, then aggregates data into real-time metrics and reports, designed to help you increase velocity, gain visibility, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.


Waydev provides visibility into “invisible delivery”, allowing executives and managers to communicate the business value of refactoring work done, build the case for additional resources, or adjust expectations. Planning and coordinating with other business areas will become easier when other leaders understand your teams’ work.

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