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Waydev Beta

September 4th, 2018
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Two weeks ago we launched our beta on Product Hunt, and we’ve managed to get in the top 5 products of the day and we’ve managed to get a lot of feedback, we’re loving getting feedback but most of the feedback was from developers and was negative feedback, we knew that, but we didn’t expect that. We’ve spent some time processing their feedback, and we’ve got it! Due to their feedback, we’ve come with a few significant improvements: We’ve changed the metrics, from Impact Score to Activity Score We are tracking the activity of your developers, and our score is represented better with the “Activity Score.” We’ve eliminated the negative illustration of your team When we’ve looked at our clients’ data, and we’ve seen more than twenty developers with negative impact, we’ve realized we need to change that. From now on the Activity Score is represented from 0% to 99.9%, where we have three stages of classification: Due to our beta launch, now we’ve come with some technical improvements: If you created your Waydev account before 15 August, please go into your account and reconnect your GIT provider. What will come in September: What will come until the end of the year Thank you for joining Waydev and our mission of helping the community of non-technical entrepreneurs worldwide ? If you want to track your git analytics with Waydev, or you want to find out more about how Waydev can help you, schedule a demo.

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