

Review Metrics

Determine if your code review workflow objectives are on track.

The Submitter Fundamentals and Reviewer Fundamentals provide a view of how the metrics from the Review Collaboration evolved over time. These features should be used as a gauge to determine if your objectives regarding the code review workflow are on track.

How to use the Fundamentals features

Submitter Fundamentals provide a bigger picture regarding the submitters’ metrics. You can select which team’s performance to view, which repositories’ contribution to analyze, and what period to inspect. Each metric has its own average value which you can see in the tab view or on the left side of the chart.

For example, if you see that over a quarter, the Unreviewed PRs percentage dropped from 40% to 20%, this translates into a lower risk of solutions delivered.

Reviewer Fundamentals offers an overview of the reviewers’ metrics. You can select which team’s performance to view, which repositories’ contribution to analyze, and what period to inspect. Each metric has its own average value which you can see in the tab view or on the left side of the chart.

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