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Waydev other alternatives

September 9th, 2019
Engineering Productivity
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The modern enterprise is governed by metrics. In only the last decade, corporate has been transformed by a rigid data-driven style of leadership, regardless of the industry. The rise of metrics in determining business success has led to a lack of flexibility and limited service solutions. Corporate teams rely solely on its key metric standards to execute leadership, manage data and focus on refined areas of business. A sales department will incorporate metrics such as its percentage closing rates and sales goals. Marketing will specialize in metrics of average click through rates, pay per click and targeted acquisitions. Financial departments emphasize the importance of data collection from cost of inventory sales to gross profit margins while a department dedicated to customer satisfaction collects data concerning its average response rates, time management and achieving customer service goals. Many software companies have also migrated to the use of data-driven metrics. Network administrators now focus on its connection and thread counts and average system performance. You may question the metrics used in software engineering to examine corporate production, only to find that none exist.  Not only does this hinder the valuable allocation of organizational resources but it is also detrimental to the productive future of the business. This is owed to an inability to provide corporate stakeholders and potential business partners a valuable representation of a company. A failure to incorporate flexible leadership with focus on production, places the corporation at risk of underlying bias, and vulnerability owed to the influence of boardroom and office politics. With the introduction of Waydev, businesses can improve its production by 20% as it utilizes data for software creation, coding and analytics and a set of guidelines for the metric-driven style of leadership. While Waydev offers a multitude of flexible benefits for the success of a company, it may not suit all businesses. There are many software engineers who prefer to incorporate a spreadsheet system for data analysis. Others will spend exorbitant amounts of company finances in the creation and maintenance of a specific system for that company. We understand that many businesses prefer to build its own metric-driven systems. We encourage you to do what best works for your professional success. If you are looking for flexibility in a data-oriented approach to complement your requirements, we provide a closer look at the various services and tools you can utilize. Assessing Lower Level Statistics Lower level stats for a business offer a general idea of how a business is faring. A look at the lowest level reveals the company’s most simplified statistics from commit numbers to lines of code altered for each user. It is general knowledge that examining lines of code are ineffective in determining overall productivity. GitHub is a resource that allows basic statistical analysis. GitStats is a great example. The statistics you can expect to generate from an open resource package include the total number of lines, volume of contributions from registered authors, and calendar schedules. What You Need to Identify: To advance to the next level of data git analytics, requires the use of KPIs. Unfortunately, KPIs cannot be directly accessed from Git. What you can do, is take your Git file and export to Excel. Transform the data into the relevant graph or table to examine data proportions. If you are familiar with git log, have a handful of contributors and wish to assess specific data percentages, then this method introduces a practical solution. What You Need to Identify: Aggregators across the Firm’s Dashboard Companies can now report on specific data and business production using specific software such as Qlik and Tableau. To ensure these platforms work for you, you can combine plugins from Github or Bitbucket. The data you obtain can easily be placed into a graph for viewing. If you wish to observe such data of a projector screen, the cost will be much higher to apply the necessary modifications. If you wish to maintain control over the stream of data received, then Github offers the best solution. The purpose of these tools is not to develop an authoritative approach concerning domain specialisation, but rather to provide an overview of professional operations. Once you are familiar with how to use the tools and you are knowledgeable in which types of data to investigate, you can produce data that is most representative of your production. Without the professionalism and expertise custom software development can provide, your company will have larger volumes of data to manage without the smart information you need to make effective decisions. What You Need to Consider: What Will I Achieve with Waydev? Rather than use the above-mentioned approaches, Waydev is designed to thoroughly analyse the information retrieved from a code base and offers a complete view of the development of software across its repos and teams. Waydev can vet the data against high volumes of commits from products that are alike. All engineering managers, future business partners and engineers can work with this data. The outcome with Waydev, is a multitude of reports that incorporate data-driven strategies. The data retrieved here, will be factual and not subject to human emotion including bias and executive politics. A system that is team led and understood can enhance your software team’s overall production. The solution you choose for your enterprise is dependent on the requirements of your business. If you choose Waydev to analyze specific data, then simply sign up for a trial below. We can help you maximize your teams’ efforts!
If you want to find out more about how Waydev can help you, schedule a demo.

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