Developer Productivity


Measure Developer Productivity and Performance

Move from a feeling-driven to a data-driven measurement of your developer team’s work alignment with business goals. Waydev gives you the right set of engineering metrics and tools to automatically track, measure, and optimize your engineers’ effectiveness and developer productivity without their manual input.

Software developer productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of software developers in creating high-quality code and delivering software products. It encompasses various factors contributing to a developer’s ability to work efficiently, such as development tools and environments, integrated development environments, programming languages and frameworks, code quality and testing, collaboration and communication, performance optimization, and developer experience and workflow.

300+ Active Managers are Improving Their Engineers’ Productivity

Being productive is more than just getting more things done in less time. Even if measuring developers’ productivity is not exactly a walk in the park, it’s not impossible either. It can be measured, tracked, and improved with a data-driven approach that uses the right software developer productivity metrics and reports.


Reports and Dev Analytics to Measure Software Developer Productivity Effectively:

Daily Update

Track the evolution of your team’s velocity sprint over sprint. Find out where yesterday’s work focus went and direct your efforts to accomplish your goals.

daily update report

How to use the Daily Update

The Daily Update is a great way to communicate with the team as a source of transparency and also to prompt the manager or scrum master to realign expectations with key stakeholders. The Daily Update is most commonly used in daily standups and can quickly help your team surface discussion around blockers in the code they are working in. 

The Daily Update report includes a breakdown of commit activity across our four work types: 

It’ll help you identify opportunities for coaching, cross-training, and praise, so you can consistently grow a healthy and high performing engineering team. It can also help you schedule a block of time on your calendar before each standup, so you can get in the habit of reviewing these reports before the meeting and having them open on your device and ready for discussion.

developer summary productivity report

Developer Productivity Summary

Quickly spot and eliminate blockers that are holding your team down and gain a better understanding of work patterns, progress over time before entering a one-on-one. 

How to use the Developer Summary

The Developer Summary report shows a condensed view of an individual’s core metrics and output, which is particularly useful to help you understand the shape of an engineer’s week or month across all work types. You can see engineers’ core code metrics, a breakdown of their commit risk, work focus, a timeline of their commits, along with the risk and work focus assigned to the commits.

One of the toughest and most important responsibilities in engineering management is asking great questions and communicating the actionable answers. With the software developer productivity summary, it’s now possible to better understand what’s happening before you enter a one-on-one. This means you can spend less time talking about what’s going on and more time talking about the why, which might illuminate opportunities where you could help and when you’re advocating for a specific individual on your team.

Developer Summary metrics:

Some of the questions we ask when looking at risk are: ‘How big is this commit? Are the changes tightly grouped or spread throughout the code-base? How serious are the edits being made — are they trivial edits or deeper, more severe changes to existing code?’

Activity Heatmap

View a heatmap of engineers’ activity and schedule meetings according to data, to enable a nondisruptive engineering flow.

How to use the Activity Heatmap:

You don’t need another study to confirm that engineers are most productive when they work in big blocks of time – this is why Visualize engineering activity through a heat map to find out what is their golden hour in terms of productivity. 

The Activity Heatmap report includes metrics such as:


Achieve a continuous delivery workflow and ensure each of your engineers is involved in the software development process.

How to use the Activity feature

Monitor the Activity report to spot any possible outliers, such as an engineer not committing code for more consecutive days, or an engineer who constantly works on the weekends. Use this data to start productive conversations and adjust workload accordingly.

The percentages on the top of the columns represent the ratio of inactive engineers to total engineers. For example, on Monday, 17 Feb, 22% of the Back-end team’s engineers did not commit any code.

The colors range as below:

Why Developer Productivity Matters?

Software is the lifeblood powering enterprises in every sector today. Rapidly delivering high-quality software solutions, from mobile apps to enterprise systems, is critical for success. Software delivery velocity separates leaders from stragglers across sectors. Investing in developer productivity is key for driving innovation and growth and beating rivals. Here are the main reasons why software developer productivity matters in software development:

Unleashing the Power of Efficient Coding

Developer productivity rotates, assigning software engineers to work smartly and productively. Developers can use their creativity to formulate innovative solutions by accessing the correct tools, streamlined processes, and supportive environments. This strategy leads to accelerated development processes, best code quality, and time to market for new products and features, providing businesses with a competitive edge.

Boosting Velocity and Agility

Agility is necessary in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape. Companies swiftly adapting to shifting market demands and customer needs gain a competitive advantage. Developer productivity is key in this context. By streamlining workflows, automating repetitious tasks, and promoting collaboration, teams can repeat and pivot more efficiently, entrusting them to respond rapidly to emerging trends and seize new opportunities.

Enhancing Code Quality and Reliability

High-quality code is the foundation of reliable and secure software systems. Engineering developers with strong testing frameworks, best code review practices, and automated quality assurance procedures can detect and fix issues in the software development lifecycle. Enhancing code quality and reliability improves the quality of the codebase, reduces technical debt, and minimizes the need for costly rework.

Innovation and Business Growth

Software developer productivity stimulates innovation and business development. Software engineers can unlock their full visionary possibilities when solving complex problems and exploring new ideas rather than grappling with inefficient processes or outdated tools. 

Investing in Developer Productivity: A Strategic Imperative

As software dominates our lives, software developer productivity is essential. Companies that prioritize resources, tools, and best practices for engineering teams will excel at delivering innovative software experiences and driving long-term success in the digital age.

How to Improve Software Developer Productivity?

Software developers shape the digital world through creative solutions, but preserving high productivity is challenging in a fast-paced, ever-evolving industry. Whether experienced or active, optimizing workflows is crucial for top results and staying ahead of the curve.

Embrace the Power of Automation

Repetitive tasks drain time and energy. Automate processes like code formatting, testing, and deployment using tools like Gulp, Grunt, or Apache Ant to free up mental bandwidth for complex challenges.

Prioritize Task Management

Mastering task management is the foundation for productivity. Implement a concentrated system tailored to your needs, whether a dedicated tool like Trello or Asana or an easy yet effective to-do list. Consolidate on one task at a time, avoiding the pitfalls of multitasking, which can compromise quality and cut your focus.

Cultivate a Distraction-Free Environment

Distractions are rampant in the digital world, hardly delaying developer productivity. Identify and stop disruptive sources like social media, email notifications, and noise. Use website blockers, noise-canceling headphones, or focus modes to create a distraction-free environment for coding.

Embrace Coding Best Practices

Improving coding best practices leads to clean, maintainable code and improves developer productivity. Adhere to industry-standard coding conventions, utilize version control systems like Git, and prioritize code reviews. It will help you catch issues early and encourage collaboration with fellow developers.

Continuous Learning

The tech industry constantly evolves, so invest time in continuous learning of new languages, frameworks, and trends to maintain productivity. Upskilling ensures efficiency and future-proofs your career.

Optimize Your Development Environment 

Your development environment is your digital workspace, so customize it to your preferences for a productivity boost. Use tools like IDEs, code editors, and project management software optimized for efficiency. Change settings, keyboard shortcuts, and plugins to streamline your workflow and minimize time spent on repetitive tasks.

Collaborate Effectively on Software Development

It is often a team effort, and effective teamwork is essential for productivity. Establish clear communication channels, participate in code reviews, and leverage collaborative coding techniques like pair or mob programming when relevant. Transferring knowledge and insights with your team can lead to more efficient solutions and a smoother software development process.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset 

Developer productivity is not just about tactics and tools. Your mindset also impacts it. Maintain a positive and growth-oriented attitude, celebrate small wins, learn from errors, and adopt challenges as opportunities for growth. 

Measure and Iterate

Productivity is a continuous journey; what works for one developer may not work for another. To improve your productivity, regularly evaluate your levels, track progress, and change your approach. 

Optimizing your workflow is not a one-time effort but a continuous improvement process. Embrace these strategies, stay curious, and improve on a journey of efficiency and excellence in your coding efforts.

Ready to Improve Your Engineers’ Productivity and Performance?

Developer productivity might be hard to measure, but it is not impossible. Measuring developer productivity improves efficiency, speeds up product development, and drives up productivity considerably.

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