Waydev Blog

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TechCrunch How engineering leaders can use AI to optimize

TechCrunch: How engineering leaders can use AI to optimize performance

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The best tips for engineering leaders

Data-driven remote work strategies for software engineering teams


May Updates: Activity Heatmap improvements, Work Log improvements, Team Settings feature, Gerrit integration, and more


How to Use Data to Run More Effective Virtual Meetings


NEW: Targets feature, Slack integration, Waydev on-premises, and Changelog

Jira sprints waydev

New features: Jira integration, Repositories Stats, Additional customization settings, Hide weekend days and more

ROI Waydev

The ROI of Engineering Intelligence for DORA Metrics tools


New features: Developer Performance & Team Performance

Microsoft partnership, Customization settings, Jira

April Updates: Microsoft partnership, Customization settings, Jira integration

Microsoft Azure Devops Waydev

Waydev becomes an official Microsoft partner

remote work waydev

Remote Work for Engineering Managers

engineering managers waydev

What Exactly Does an Engineering Manager do?

waydev measuring engineers performance

How to Measure and Evaluate Performance of your Engineers


5? reviews from our customers

March Updates: Auto-merge, Multiple Integrations, Impact changes, Settings Page, Jira integration

Woman in technology

Women in Technology

Development Culture: How Performance and Efficiency Are Assessed

Switching from Pluralsight Flow, Gitprime to Waydev

Switching from Pluralsight Flow, Gitprime to Waydev

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DORA Metrics Playbook

DORA Metrics Playbook

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